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Our mission is to promote individual liberty and constitutionally-limited government in the state of Indiana and its 92 counties.  Our vision is elected and appointed government officials throughout Indiana who prioritize Life, Liberty, Property, and the pursuit of Happiness, as defined by the individual, instead of special interests and partisanship.

To pursue our mission and achieve our vision in Indiana, we need your financial support. We cannot fight the well-funded political establishment without you.  Those who wish to continue to grow government by raising taxes, spending, and debt are pouring millions of dollars into the political establishment, expecting to get a handsome return on their investment. 

Liberty Is Essential PAC is working against the political establishment and their elite donors to ensure that every Hoosier's voice is heard at the municipal, county, and state levels of government, because All Hoosiers are Essential.  Every Hoosier has the natural right to make the decisions that impact their life and the lives of those who live in their household.  Every Hoosier business provides the Necessities of Life to its employees.

Liberty Is Essential PAC is also working against the continued expansion of government authority in Indiana.  Municipal, county, and state government get their authority from the citizens of the state of Indiana and must be held accountable for any overreach or abuse of that authority by the citizens.  Government must constantly be reminded that they work for us, instead of us being subservient to them.


Paid for and authorized by Liberty Is Essential PAC

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